The impossible journey of a madman through Final Fantasies I to IX. What is this?

  Saturday, November 20, 2004

Quest for the Crown

Unfortunately this next part is undocumented as our camera wasn't working.

We wandered far and we wandered wide and finally came upon an old decrepit castle way to the north of the elves' home. We wandered about its empty halls searching for signs of life. Finally we stumbled upon the throne room where a king sat alone on his throne.

He told us that he had lost his magic crown and would be very appreciative if we could get it back to him. Well, we certainly had no reason to be suspicious. Just because we were searching for a dark elf king who would be shunned by all others. Just because we were searching for an old castle, where we thought the dark elf would be. Just because this king didn't tell us who he was and all he wanted was a powerful artifact. Those aren't reasons enough for Light Warriors to shirk their responsibilities of doing anything for anyone who asks.

The king told us his crown was in the Marsh Cave to the south, so that's where we headed.


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