The impossible journey of a madman through Final Fantasies I to IX. What is this?

  Saturday, July 30, 2005

Through the floor

We came upon a room with a couple of chests and a stone plate. The stone plate seemed to be not nice.

What's that odd feeling that something like this has happened before? Is that deja vu?

But we had a hunch that in this case the old adage of "music sooths the savage beast" would hold true. We looked in our packs to see if we had anything that would help us.

Of course, the Lute! I didn't mention it at the time as it seemed such a stupid gift for the service we had rendered. But when we rescued Princess Sarah she gave us her prized lute as a thank you. Amazingly enough that insignificant gift turned out to be one of the most important events in our quest. Thank you Princess Sarah, thank you.

So we played the apparently magical lute...

...and the stone disappeared and revealed a ladder to the lower dungeons.

Soon after that we gained another level, this time it was 28.

And not long after that we gained level 29. This dungeon was almost as lucrative than that power leveling peninsula so long ago.


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