The impossible journey of a madman through Final Fantasies I to IX. What is this?

  Thursday, September 30, 2004

A first glimpse

That would be for me, not you. Here is a picture of what I first saw after choosing my party. Inspired by a picture Steve found of the original FF, I looked through the screenshots I had taken and lo, this one was there. The party is standing at the entrance to Cornelia.

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  Monday, September 27, 2004


Party of Light Warriors seeking wandering bands of Goblins. Looking to gain experience. Can you help? Meet us in woods surrounding city.

The pictures I'm capturing seem to be a little blurry, I haven't figured out why. But this is what we have for now. I started off the game pretty standardly. I bought the best equipment I could afford for everyone, I'll list it later when I turn the game back on, I didn't even think of that. Plus, I bought a couple of spells for my wizards. Then I proceeded to walk around the city, staying close to the life giving inn, and killing Goblins to start the leveling up process. I think I'll get mostly to level 3 before I start going further looking for more wolves and giants.

The first real batch of pics:

Here is the King and his advisor, surprised that we have the crystals fortold by prophesy. I am actually a big fan of those kind of "emoticons". They were used extensively in Tales of Destiny 2 and I enjoyed them there.

Here is my first fight against deadly Goblins.

Experience is always nice.

Holy cow, I am already level 2! Wandering around the woods outside of town looking for Goblins is always fun.

I finally decided to start using some of Inky's firepower.

The ladies in this town seem a little forward to me.

Finally a rest, and the game will be saved. I wanted to hold out for level 3 but that would have taken a long time just killing Goblins and I was already out of spells.

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  Tuesday, September 21, 2004


One month later...

Well, I'm finally a little more moved in so I hooked up my Playstation again. Hopefully I'll get some real playing time in soon.

The first decision I had to make was what party to have. There are 6 classes available to the player in Final Fantasy, each with advantages and disadvantages. They are: Warrior (Fighter), Theif, Monk (Black Belt), White Mage, Black Mage, and Red Mage. You can make a party of any combination of these classes that you want. I had toyed with the idea of going with a really "off" party, like 4 of the same class or something else just as odd. But when I thought more I decided that I am in this to have fun and get some nostalgia (and maybe give some to my readers), not create a new (and possibly greater) challenge for myself. So I decided on the classic Fighter, Thief, White Mage, and Black Mage. What a surprise when I got to the party selection screen to find that this is the default party. Well, that was easy.

The next decision was for the names of each character. I wanted to think of something clever for each of them and have them a coherant group. Unfortunately that didn't really happen. I didn't want to go with "Fighter", "Thief", etc. I thought about characters from (fantasy) books I like, Lord of the Rings, Dragonlance (for a bonus feeling of nostalgia), Wheel of Time, etc. But I didn't like that either. In the end I threw up my arms and chose the four ghosts' nicknames from Pac-Man. Each of the names seemed to fit kind of well with the characters so I went with it. Clyde is the Fighter, Blinky is the Thief, Pinky is the White Mage, and Inky is the Black Mage.

Here's the menu screen as everyone is starting out, standing right outside of the first city and castle, about to go and see the king.

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