The impossible journey of a madman through Final Fantasies I to IX. What is this?

  Thursday, June 30, 2005

Clues in Onlak

What's the obsession with legs?

A sunken shrine and mermaids, huh? Very suspicious.

This guy needs to clean himself up a bit and quit whining. I'm sensing that he really isn't a go-getter. Though he does sound like a lot of fishermen I know.

That sounds very odd.

More talk about mermaids, and you need oxygen, huh? How interesting that we were just told about Oxyale, which seems to have the same root as oxygen. I don't know though, that sounds pretty dangerous. How safe can a submarine made out of a barrel be?

A robot, huh? Sounds like something else we'll need to investigate.

I remember meeting that Unne guy, he was annoying. Now we find out he wants something. Yet one more thing to be on the lookout for. If you can't do something yourself, just wait until the Light Warriors do it for you.

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Moving right along

After defeating the wily Marilith we flew our airship around looking for other interesting places to visit. We came upon the town of Onlak.

Our first impression wasn't very positive.

These next few conversations seemed to be related.

I think we should investigate!

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  Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Fiend of Fire!

With our new found power we felt bold enough to journey to the center of the volcano and the source of it's unrest.

Another crystaline object with an orb in front.

Uhhh. I guess that's us.

Oooo, glowy.

That's a lot of swords.

When you get up close and personal it's even more swords. That's one mean looking lizard lady.

We defeated her without too much difficulty. Though if you look at Inky's HP he did take the brunt of the beating. I guess she didn't like the hurtful ice spells he kept casting. Though we did find it odd that she seemed weak against ice attacks. Wouldn't you think the surroundings and indeed her body would just melt the ice? It must have something to do with magical properties we didn't understand.

A job well done.

Let's get out of here.

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Into the volcano

On our way to the volcano we ran into some Wyverns

Finally we arrived at the entrance to the super-heated mountain. Doesn't the path look inviting?

Well, inside it was slightly less inviting. And you think hot and humid summers in Minnesota are bad?

Ooo. A fire elemental called a Pyros. We had a feeling we'd be seeing lots of these while trekking around this lair of lava.

Hydras are nasty creatures. Fire hydras are hot, nasty creatures.

Don't you love it when caves full of creatures leave rooms full of chests full of equipment around? (and no, that's not implying that this game is unrealistic)

Remember that sandworm? Yep, this is a hotter version.

Alright! Level 20.

That didn't stop us from slogging through the remains of more monsters. Here is a fiendish Hellhound teamed with an Ogre Mage.

Let me's like a lizard, only on fire.

Ooo, ooo, ooo. Yes, you in the back...that's correct, it's a giant whose personage is engulfed in flames.

Man, how many ways can I say something is on fire? I'll just let you think of one I haven't said and then you can apply it to a dragon. Try to include the word "red".

Holy schmoly! Level 21. This is a lucrative trip!

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  Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Fun with monsters

Just for kicks we decided to head back to the Citadel to kill more monsters and gain more experience.

On our way we met up with some Barettas.

A giant Sand Worm sprung from the ground beneath our feet. (doesn't it make you think of that Kevin Bacon movie Tremors, or I suppose it could remind you of Dune as well)

More evil cats!

Woohoo! Level 19.

Now it was time to head to Mt. Gulg to defeat the fire fiend.

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King Bahamut

We didn't feel worthy, even with the Rat's Tail. If you looked like this (our lowly "original" forms):

Would you feel up to talking to such a regal beast?

So we stepped up to speak with the king of the Dragons, Bahamut.

He noticed the token from the Citadel of Trials.

Ooo, we're going to be real heroes now!

Powerful dragon magic at work.

We were pretty pumped, as you can imagine.

Look at us now!

We then proceeded to kick some butt and gain a new level, 18 baby!

Okay, I want you to take a look at Pinky in that last picture. Notice the arms raised in triumph. It wasn't always like that. The celebration used to be a little different. Look at the third graphic on the second to last row of graphics on this page. That is the old celebration. Tell me it doesn't look like the White Wizard is giving the bloody corpses of dead monsters the bird. What's the point? They're all dead, you've hacked them to chunks of shark bait, why do you feel the need to degrade them further?

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