The impossible journey of a madman through Final Fantasies I to IX. What is this?

  Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I know, I know

It's been a while, I apologize. As you've seen, I did beat the game. I have actually started Final Fantasy 2 as well. I have yet to post the epilogue of Final Fantasy, and then I will start in on the posts for number 2.

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  Sunday, August 07, 2005

The battle for our lives!

This was it. The power behind the fiends. The demon behind the wasting of the world. The really bad guy we wanted to beat. Chaos!

He had access to crazy spells we had never seen or heard of. Like this crazy firestorm.

Or this bone chilling blizzard.

And a tornado that beat us back.

It's like he had masterful control over all of the elements.

He rained down lightning upon us.

And sent an earthquake to shake us to our very foundations. Notice that Blinky had succumbed to an earlier attack.

He was even able to take multiple hits from our most powerful spell: Inky's "Flare".

But finally. After throwing nearly ever spell and nearly every ounce of strength at him something in the cosmos snapped.

Chaos was defeated!

Peace and tranquility was restored.

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  Friday, August 05, 2005

The final level and the final enemy

We stepped down in to the stygian depths of the Temple of Chaos.

We walked into the central chamber and came face to face with...

Someone familiar...

Our old foe Garland! What was he doing 2000 years in the past?

That caused us to take a step back.

And now the James Bond villian syndrome begins...

Okay, that looks ominous and ungood for us.

Not good!

He's talking crazy. But that just makes him all the more scary (not to mention that he just transformed himself into a giant demonic creature).

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One more fiend again

After picking up the masamune we headed towards the next stairway. Blocking our way was the multiheaded dragon Tiamat.

We tried to poison the dastardly dragon numerous times

It finally worked and we were able to continue our quest.

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  Thursday, August 04, 2005

Ooo, even more shiny

In nearly the deepest depths of the dungeon we found a long hallway.

We followed all the way to the end where we found a treasure chest all alone.

Inside we found the Masamune sword, the "Mightiest Sword of All"

We decided to let Blinky use it since Clyde already had Excalibur, which is no slouch of a sword.

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More fiendish Fiends

Down another level and we stepped up to another stair case.

Yep, you guessed it. Marilith stood in our way.

Bye, bye, Fiend of Fire.

The next floor of the dungeon brought us to an ominous hallway.

Kraken!! (This is who defeated us earlier.)

Again, we defeated our foe.

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  Wednesday, August 03, 2005

A blast past

I almost forgot, we had to fight the big, evil Death Eye before we reached the evil plate in the ground.

On our way down we reached Level 30.

A couple of floors deeper we came upon a stair surrounded by pillars.

As we stepped closer to the stairs who should leap out of the shadows but Lich! How could this be? We defeated Lich long ago. But wait! Was that long ago or a long time in the future? Of course, we were 2000 years in the past. Lich, and the other fiends, were bound to be still alive back in this age.

Lich was dispatched without too much effort.

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